
SmartSockets - Reliable Interprocess Communication

"SmartSockets' logical routing, or publish-subscribe capability, is very useful. It allows us to easily connect to a group of processes rather than a single process. We group processes by functionality, and allow the server to handle the routing. This makes replicating processes easier for software fault tolerance and scalability. With this mechanism we can add processes on different machines as needed and not change a line of code, and little or no configuration data. We have found the performance to be exceptional." - John Dooley, Senior Engineer, Nortel

Below are links to additional SmartSockets information

SmartSockets Architecture
Brief description of the highligts and main architectual overview of SmartSockets.

SmartSockets SDK
Detailed information on the contents of the SmartSockets Development Kit.

SmartSockets Features
More information on key feature sets in SmartSockets and their relation to building distributed applications.

SmartSockets Platform Support
SmartSockets supports a number of different computing environments in heterogenous networks.

SmartSockets Quality
Quality is our business. We are a Purify'd Partner.

SmartSockets Example Programs [C] [C++]
Simple send and receive program showing the ease with which network programs can be developed in both C and C++.

SmartSockets Training Information
Look here for classes, dates and training registration form.

SmartSockets Evaluation Article in Dr. Dobb's Journal
A customer authored article evaluating SmartSockets.

Mission Critical Interprocess Communications
A white paper introduction to SmartSockets


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